Saturday, June 4, 2011

What Can Be Done

First of all the Canadian government needs to put money aside to promote the longevity of these dynamic peoples. They could create local community initiatives to teach children about their rich ancestral history.
Recognizing the meaning of salmon in the Tsimshian lifestyle will be a step towards giving them more rights over their fishing grounds. Like other first nations the Tsimshian deserve to practice their traditions. The Canadian Government and Tsimshian council can have a meeting discussing how to do this sustainably. I think if the Canadian Government ceded some power to the Tsimshian people then both groups could work together to create environmental strategies.

Tsimshian Treaty Negotiator Gerald D Wesley. states: ‘What can a treaty accomplish’? We don’t want to dwell on the history of our distant past, but we don’t want to lose it either. We must hang onto it, so that our younger people – the ones who are going to carry on – are proud of their heritage, and to realize what has brought them to the place they are at today. And hopefully show the path to a better place tomorrow.'. (

The Canadian Government can recognize that the Tsimshian people have the right to live, fish, hunt and travel in their traditional grounds. I think an agreement that the Tsimshian will do this with the environmental in mind could preserve some of B.C's most beautiful landscape.
I believe that the greatest feat will be an agreement between the Government and the Tsimshian tribes that has mental and environmental integrity as the main focus. The Tsimshian could lead sustainability initiatives in their area and this would lead to an overall increase in B.C's untouched, free-growth forest. The government should not expand local towns into Tsimshian territories if the Tsimshian promise to keep their land sustainable and beautiful.

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